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Museum Friends
Arina Daur

Irina Zuber

Nikolay Fursey

Viktor Zhukov

Petrichenko's Collection

Igor & Varsenik Babayantz

Alexander Gusev

Anna Panina

Anatoly Byelov

Alexandr Nefyodov

Herman Cheryomushkin

Russian Silhouette / Gallery / Irina Zuber

«The papercutting is so natural for me as thinking or talking.

I do papercutting work wherever I can: during a friendly conversation, while listening to the music, etc.

The result shows my attitude to what I heard, even if I try to hide it.

In my papercutting work I appreciate dynamics and expressiveness, even some traits of grotesqueness.

I plan to continue my papercutting activity».

I. Zuber

PhD in Physics and mathematics
and doctor of Technical science

Lives in Saint-Petersburg (Russia).
© Content: Gallery of The Papercutted Miniatures; web-design: A. Frolov, 1998-2017.